Westwinds Apartments
The best location in Livermore.

The best location, the best apartments in Livermore, large, with great floor plans…. The 160 acre Wente Vineyards are next to us…. Pool, Gym, Spa… Get in shape on our Trotter treadmill or just relax… Ride your Bike to work at the lab…
Call us today! Gorgeous two bedroom two baths and two bedroom and one and a third bath apartment homes. Fireplaces and cathedral ceilings upstairs.
Both DSL and Cable modem ready. A sparkling new “village” style paint job… Across the street from the world famous Wente vineyards. $700,000 homes are just down the street. A quarter mile from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL). Lushly landscaped grounds. The best maintained apartments in Livermore. Just down 580 from us the new five hundred million dollar BART extension to San Francisco opened May 10th ’97. The shuttle bus to BART stops directly in front of Westwinds. We feature a large swimming pool, a piping hot spa and a well equipped exercise facility including weight machines and club rated Trotter 550 treadmill. If you are ever going to get in great shape you can do it at Westwinds. We have, bright spacious two bedroom one and a third bath, and two bedroom two bath master suite plans. Some with fireplaces and cathedral ceilings. All with washer dryer hook-ups. We have central air conditioning, none of those unsightly, noisy, through-the-wall units other properties have! You can walk to the LLNL. Sorry, we are unable to accept cats or dogs.
Two Bedroom One & a third bath, 840 sq. ft.
from $1,145 deposit $600
Two Bedroom Two Bath Dual Master Suite, 960 ft. from $1,295 deposit $600
*Square footage is a guide only as architects, contractors, and property managers use several different methods to measure apartment size. Please come see our apartments to compare.
Westwind Apartments
5639 Jacquiline WayLivermore, CA 94550
(925) 449-1088
Send us mail, ask questions
Have a problem, suggestions or praise? Let us know.
DSL & Cable Modems
100 times as fast as your old Internet connection.
See our floor plans
All are two bedrooms with a walk-in closet in the Master Bedroom.
Fill Out A Rental Application
Print and fill out an application, sign it, and fax it to us.
Got too much stuff? Need storage?
Storage for your stuff.
Take BART to SF
The new BART extension, easy!
You need to play! We show you where.
Getting Rental Insurance
Everyone needs insurance. And it is priced right. Here’s the cost and coverage
Population: 62,500
BART: A shuttle bus from BART to Westwinds!
Weather: Warm, sunny, away from coastal fog
Wine: A dozen producing wineries, three on the national historic landmark registry, eat at the Wente Winery restaurant, call for brunch reservations; 447-3694
Golf: Four terrific courses
Lake: Lake Del Valle is nine miles from us; swimming, sailing, fishing, camping
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